Author: Admin

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New Dallas Diocese Chapter Position Announced

On April 13th at the Dallas Diocese Chapter quarterly meeting at St. Pius X, Chapter President Jake Fleischer and Diocesan Deputy Mike Courtney announced the creation of a new Chapter Officer position – Director of Communications and Operations.

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DDC Spring 2024 Meeting Recap

DDC Spring 2024 Meeting Recap The Dallas Diocese Chapter of the Knights of Columbus held its Spring 2024 meeting for the first time ever at St. Pius X Catholic Parish, […]

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Father Loyd Morris, Rest In Peace

I am so sorry to pass on the news of the passing of Fr. Morris! He was so devout to his family, the Church and the Order. As GK Bob Fries says in his note below, he will be greatly missed.


Tootsie Roll Drive Council 7850

Tootsie Roll Drive Council 7850 Thanks to you the Tootsie Roll drive was a big success. The first Saturday we raised $1,550.87 and the second $1,630.29 for a grand Total […]


The Gift of Mobility

Thank you Brother Bill for providing these latest Gifts of Mobility. Your highly successful ministry of providing wheelchairs to the needy is one of the greatest sources of satisfaction and pride for us Knights in the Dallas Diocese.